onsdag 12 oktober 2011

Vernissage and Netart på Galleri 54 idag den 12 oktober · 19:00 - 22:00

Vernissage and Netart
Galleri 54
den 12 oktober · 19:00 - 22:00
Onsdag 12 oktober har Olof Essvik premiär för ett dataspel/konstverk han skapat. Verket kommer visas på Internet, men även som en liten endags premiär på Galleri 54 i Göteborg kl 19.00 . Verket finns även till försäljning till ett bra pris.

Under kvällen tänker han berätta om spelet och du kan spela det på plats och även se en förhandsvisning av ett annat spel han släpper senare i höst.

Det blir säkert väldigt trevligt! Om du vill se en trailer på spelen och läsa en mer formell text,
http://www.galleri54.com/ eller gå direkt till denna länk http://jimpalt.org/waitingfor

En kort beskrivning på Engelska (In English):

The work will be shown online starting October 12 at:
http://www.jimpalt.org/waitingfor. In the meantime a trailer and still images from the game is available at the same address (http://www.jimpalt.org/waitingfor)

The work will be presented and launched on October 12 at 7pm at Galleri 54, Kastellgatan 7, Gothenburg. The game will be sold at a special price during the opening night.

“Waiting for” can be described as a theatrical play with a number of set instructions constantly repeated, but each time in a different order. The piece consists of a programmed and interactive animation sequence shown online and resembling a computer game, but where the concept has been expanded and the actual game element has been left out. Rather it can be seen as a play that you control with the computer keyboard. There is no beginning and no end and the variables change, making every act different from the last.

The title refers to the Samuel Becket play Waiting For Godot. Of central importance in the play are the repeated elements in the two acts and the waiting for Godot, who never shows up. A play where practically nothing happens and where the hopeless and futile waiting is a key element in the plot.

The work consists of two parts. Part two (The Endgame) will be released later this autumn. This second part can be viewed either as a continuation of Waiting for or as a free standing piece. A brief introduction is given here.
The Endgame can be played in advance at the opening at Galleri 54, but it won’t be released online until later this autumn.



Galleri 54 Göteborg, Kastellgatan 7

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